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Bespoke facials as individual as you are


Covid-19 Statement

Covid-19 Safety Measures

Updated 31st July 2020

Here at Andrea Lamport Pro Skincare Ltd I wanted to update you as to what actions I’m taking in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Following the announcement on Monday 23rd March 2020, from the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, I temporarily closed the clinic.

On Thursday 9th July 2020, the Government announced that I could re-open the Clinic again on Monday 13th July 2020 but not carry out any facial treatments. So the clinic remained closed.

The Government then announced that on Saturday 1st August 2020 I could open and provide all services at the clinic including treatments on the face.

New Safety Measures at the Clinic

In preparation for our opening, we have made the following adjustments to abide by the current guidelines.

  • Social distancing – For all beauty and aesthetic professionals, it is not possible to adhere to the 2-meter social distance. However at, Andrea Lamport Pro Skincare Ltd, I have taken a course in infection control and I have a certificate from BARBICIDE® (see certificate below) stating I have completed an online course to understand the risks of Covid-19 and haven taken all the following measures to mitigate them in the clinic.
  • New Bookings Policy – All bookings must be done in advanced and we will not accept walk-ins. This is so we can maintain a ‘one client per staff member’ policy in the salon at any one time. If clients come with individuals who are not from the same household, they will be asked to wait outside the salon. Clients may book using one of the many following ways:
  • Covid-19 Waiver Form (When booking) – All clients who book for an appointment must complete our Covid-19 Waiver Form. When booking through the website, mobile app, in the clinic or over the phone, the form will be sent to you automatically 48 hours before your scheduled appointment. All clients must complete the waiver form 24 hours prior to coming to the clinic, otherwise, I may not be able to proceed with your appointment. If you have any queries, please do contact me on 07936386458.
  • On arrival to the clinic – Please wait in your car for me to come and get you. I would appreciate it if clients would arrive on time or just a few minutes before their appointment to avoid delays for the following clients, as I will need time to prepare and clean the room and equipment between clients. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • Payments – For the moment, I am only accepting payments by credit or debit card.
  • Cancellation Policy and Amendments – During the pandemic, I will permit any client to cancel up until the point of their booking if I’m informed of symptoms of Covid-19. Please contact me on 07936386458. Otherwise, our standard 48-hour cancellation policy applies.

PPE – Masks are to be worn by all staff and clients at the clinic. I’m asking all clients to bring and wear their own mask upon arrival. However, I can provide a disposable mask for every client if necessary. You will also be asked to apply shoe covers or remove your shoes before entering. At this time there will unfortunately be no handshaking, hugs or kisses! I will open each door for you to prevent you having to touch too many surfaces. You will be asked to wash your hands and to apply sanitiser. There will be no towels or blankets available so please ensure you are appropriately dressed for the duration of your treatment. I will only be accepting card payments moving forward.  I understand that certain services will make it difficult to wear a mask. When it is necessary to remove a mask to undertake certain treatments, I will ask the client to remove the mask once they are ready in the treatment room and to keep talking to a minimum until we are both wearing masks again. I will assist with opening/closing doors on your departure, again to minimise your contact points. In addition I will be allowing extra time between clients to prevent any over lapping and allow for sanitising before and after all clients. I will be wearing all necessary PPE equipment which may include (but is not limited to) gloves, mask, facial shield, disposable apron and newly laundered scrubs. I will wash/sanitise my hands before beginning each treatment, disposable PPE will be renewed after each client and my scrubs will only be worn in the clinic.

Infection control – On top of my usual high standards of cleaning, I will be implementing further cleaning and disinfection measures of all, including but not limited to, equipment, work stations, door handles, card machines and counters, before and after every client. I am also implementing handwashing standards for every client as they enter the salon. Hand sanitiser will also be available. I already use clinical waste disposal and have high hygiene standards due to the types of treatments I offer but I feel these additional measures will be reassuring for both you the client and myself.

  • Symptoms – As always, if clients are showing any symptoms of Covid-19, they are to not come to the salon and stay home as per the Government’s guidelines.

I want to create an environment where everyone is comfortable and protected as much as possible, by abiding by the guidelines by the Government and the BARBICIDE® Covid-19 course for beauty professionals. I appreciate your understanding during this time and will keep you informed as further announcements come from the Government.

Thank you for supporting me during this time as I will continue to deliver high quality standards that you have become accustomed to, over the last few years of business in Offham. I wish you and your family good health, be safe and well, and I hope to see you in the not too distant future.

If you have any queries, please contact me directly on 07936386458 or via a WhatsApp message at any time, and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

I am still open to receive calls and bookings during this period.

#InThisTogether #StayHome #StaySafe #SaveLives #Covid19

All the very best,


(Clinic Owner)